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Asus upbeat about investment i...

Asus upbeat about investment in Gambia

Friday, January 11, 2008
The Taiwanese plenipotentiary to Banjul has disclosed plans by the Taiwanese computer manufacturing giant, Asus, to explore possibilities of...

GOd and HIV/Aids Religion can help fight AIDS, says study

Friday, January 11, 2008
In the March 2007 issue of the international journal of STD and AIDS, researchers say prevention strategies for the spread of HIV/AIDS could harness...
Africa 'being drained  of doct...

Africa 'being drained of doctors'

Friday, January 11, 2008
Many African countries now have more doctors and nurses working in richer countries abroad than they have at home, research shows. There has long...

A laughable intervention

Friday, January 11, 2008
Many a time when hell break loose in African countries, thanks to political tensions, we hear about the formation of government of ‘national...

The world watches as Kenya falls apart

Friday, January 11, 2008
Dear, Please allow me space in your widely read newspaper to express my concern about the on going crisis in Kenya. In Africa whenever civil...
Former  Observer arts and  cul...

Former Observer arts and culture columnist speaks

Friday, January 11, 2008
Dr Williams Emeka Obiozor, assistant professor of Special Education and former Arts and Culture columnist at the Daily Observer, in a chat with the...

Hassoum Ceesay on material cultural heritage

Friday, January 11, 2008
Mr Hassoum Ceesay, director of Heritage at the National Centre for Arts and Culture (NCAC) has said that heritage is a broad term that encompasses...
UTG Students Union, Juniata di...

UTG Students Union, Juniata discuss American elections

Friday, January 11, 2008
If name is anything to go by, then elections in the world’s only superpower will not be anything small. Always trying to live up to its name as the...

Making a difference (Be a unique and indipendent youth)

Friday, January 11, 2008
There is always a saying that goes as this: "Just because one man tries to swim and drowns in the process does not mean that all men can’t swim". ...

LOVELINES-My parents don’t want me to marry

Friday, January 11, 2008
Lovelines I am 25 and in love with a 22-year-old lady. It is now four years since we have been dating. God has blessed us with a son in the...
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