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Johannesburg, South Africa

(102 results)
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SOUTH AFRICA: Food and electri...

SOUTH AFRICA: Food and electricity prices spark union protest

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thousands of members of the Congress of South African trade Unions (COSATU) took to the streets of Johannesburg on Thursday to protest rocketing food...
ZIMBABWE: What now from SADC?

ZIMBABWE: What now from SADC?

Sunday, April 20, 2008
South African President Thabo Mbeki has been lampooned and condemned across the world for saying there is "no crisis" in Zimbabwe on his brief...
GLOBAL: Costly food opportunit...

GLOBAL: Costly food opportunity to review aid responses

Sunday, April 20, 2008
High food prices have brought social unrest but they have also provided a "window of opportunity" to review global policies on the response to food...
SOUTH AFRICA: Inner city blues...

SOUTH AFRICA: Inner city blues - migrants in search of treatment

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Johannesburg, South Africa's largest and wealthiest city, has been attracting hopeful new residents since gold was discovered here more than a...
Urgent changes needed in globa...

Urgent changes needed in global farming practices to avoid environmental destruction

Thursday, April 17, 2008
World’s leading scientists condemn industrial farming methods and see no role for GE as a solution to soaring food prices and hunger crisis fears ...
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Beefing up fo...

SOUTHERN AFRICA: Beefing up for a revolution

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
African farmers, particularly those in southern Africa, can benefit from the global boom in the demand for meat says new research that suggests...
GLOBAL: Eat local produce, hel...

GLOBAL: Eat local produce, help farmers, says FAO

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Rely more on local produce to cut food import bills and provide subsidised inputs to boost production, advised the United Nations Food and...
AFRICA: Welcome mat worn thin ...

AFRICA: Welcome mat worn thin in SA

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Recent attacks on Somali, Zimbabwean and Mozambican migrants in South Africa have been labeled xenophobic: but could the violence point to a much...
GLOBAL: Looking in the mirror ...

GLOBAL: Looking in the mirror at HIV

Monday, April 7, 2008
It’s house music. It’s dinner, drinks and a movie. It’s first dates, first loves and first heart breaks. It’s being young - and it’s also about HIV,...
SOUTH AFRICA: Rights body to p...

SOUTH AFRICA: Rights body to probe mines over alleged abuse

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Alleged human rights abuses by Anglo Platinum (AP), the worlds leading producer of platinum, could spark investigations through-out South Africa’s...
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