3 face murder, conspiracy, robbery charges

Monday, February 16, 2009
Three accused persons were yesterday charged with murder, conspiracy and attempted robbery at the Bundung Magistrate Court presided over by Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara.

According to the particulars of the offense, Macordou Janneh on the19th of September 2008 at Brufut in Kombo North Region, unlawfully caused the death of one Alieu Jawo. Count two stated that, Alieu Saine and Taib Jange, on the 19th of September 2008 at Brufut in the Kombo North District,  conspired and caused the death of one Alieu Jawo. Count three stated that Alieu Saine and Taib Jange did on 19th  of September 2008 at Brufut in the Kombo North District,  attempted to rob one Halidou Jallow, thereby committing  an offense.

When the case was called, police prosecutor Inspector Mballow applied to the court for the charge sheet to be amended on count three from violence robbery to attempted robbery. Magistrate  Kumba Sillah-Camara granted the application and then remanded the trio back into custody. The case was adjourned  to February 25, 2009 for the accused persons to take their plea.

Author: by Salifu M Touray