New Observer boss speaks

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dida Abdi Jallow-Halake, MD & Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Observer,has expressed his resolve to improve on the vibrancy of the paper; and to consolidate the existing gains registered by Dr Taal.

Speaking in an interview with the Daily Observer, Mr Halake said: “The Daily Observer is an important news institution in The Gambia, the motherland of my three children and I am most humbled and honoured to have been chosen to head it. I hope that my young staff at the Daily Observer will rejuvenate the traditions of this paper and re-establish its pre-eminent position. It goes without saying that the Daily Observer admires and supports the work of President Jammeh and the APRC, but our motto is ‘Forward with The Gambia’. Like the elected President of the country, the Daily Observer, is here for all Gambians and we wish to cooperate with all media houses since we share the same profession.”

Pressed on his connection with The Gambia, the newly appointed Managing Editor-in-Chief replied: “I have a Gambian wife and three children and I have been coming to The Gambia since 1992. And I have had a compound in Kotu for the last 12 years.”

“I am a 51-years-old Kenyan of Ethiopian origin and I am by profession a teacher and have taught in Scotland and England where I qualified since 1986. My commitment to education resulted in the creation of an excellent large library at Kotu Senior School , built by my group from the UK in 2004”, he said.

“My first MD’s prerogative is to announce the appointment of Ebrima Manneh, commonly referred to as Ebrima Jaw Manneh, an excellent young and vibrant Daily Observer journalist of many years standing, as my Deputy Editor-in-Chief. I hope my staff and I will continue to contribute to the excellent development of this wonderful and peaceful country, Inshallah,”   the Observer Managing Editor-in-Chief concluded.

Author: by DO