National Disaster Policy adopted

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The National Disaster Management Policy document , was recently   adopted and endorsed by stakeholders in the management of disaster and emergency situation in the country.

The adoption and endorsement of NDMP came at the end of a three- day technical review forum on Disaster Management Legal Framework and Strategic   Action Plan, held at the Girls Guides Training Centre in Kanifing from 29th to 31st October 2007. The Technical Review meeting drew participants from both government and private institutions, and representavites from all regions of the country .

Momodou Kattim Touray, Deputy Governor   Central River Region (CRR), who doubles as Deputy Chairman of CRR Disaster Management Committee, chaired the   technical review meeting.

According to him,   the forum has availed participants with the opportunity to critically look at key areas of the policy, such as planning, policy development, institutional capacity-building, partnership, information flow, building effective disaster response, among others.

Mr Touray described the policy document   as responsive   and prescriptive, and then noted that the policy   document addresses topical and burning issues relating to disaster management.

For his part, Essa Khan, Disater Coordinator at UNDP   Gambia Office, described the forum as interactive.

He seized the opportunity to   extend deep   sense of appreciation to   President Yahya Jammeh over what he described as his unflinching support to the whole management of disaster and emergency situations in The Gambia.

Mr Khan revealed that the Legal Framework and Management   Policy   will be submitted to the AG Chambers and Cabinet, respectively.

Author: by Sanna Jawara