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(184 results)
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GLOBAL: Doors of tolerance beg...

GLOBAL: Doors of tolerance begin to open for gay Muslims

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Suhail AbualSameed looked calm, yet he was shaking inside. He was seated before a row of ulama, distinguished Islamic scholars, from Afghanistan to...
SIC Dissociates from Ahmadiyya...

SIC Dissociates from Ahmadiyya Claims to Scholarly Work

The Point
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Following the announcement of the completion of the translation of the Holy Quran into three main languages in The Gambia by the Ahmadiyya Muslim...
Sudanese protesters demand dea...

Sudanese protesters demand death for British teacher

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Roughly 600 enraged Sudanese protesters, some armed with knives and sticks, converged on Khartoum's Martyrs' Square after Friday Prayers to demand...
Pastors hold prayers and thank...

Pastors hold prayers and thanksgiving

The Daily Observer
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Gambia Pastors Intercessory Forum on Sunday organised prayers for the nation and special thanksgiving ceremony at the Gambia Pastors Institute,...
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