I am a Gambian, resident of Bakau Katchikally (where my compound is) and worked for the public sector in the Gambia for a minimum of 35 yeras, the NGO community for at least 8 years and UNDP for 6 years.
I was also involved in national politics under the umbrella of APRC and contested the Legislative Elections in 1996 but lost to UDPs then candidate, Dembo Bojang. However, I was elected and returned unopposed as the First General Secretary of the APRC in 1998 responsible for all administratiove, technical, strategic and party affairs and reported to The Party Leader/Head of State, His Excellency Alhagie Dr. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh. So I feel that I have done my best for my country but can and will still do more.
This is the compelling factor for sending this piece for your consideration for publication, although you may have to serialise it. I have quite a good number of relevant development literateutre some of which have been published here by your sister-paper, Observer of Swaziland. If here, why not back home. After all, charity begins (and supposedly) ends at home! There is no place like home and I so miss home, its unbelievable.
Currently, I am on international stint as International Consultant (Governance and Development) in the Kingdom of Swaziland and posted to the Office of the Deputy Pime Minister. I miss home so much!
Please find attached herewith the document captioned above. Cheers and please let me know if you have received this communication.
Saihou Sanyangstmfsanyang2003@yahoo.com
Editor’s Note
Mr Sanyang, thank you very much for your very long piece. We will try and serialise it becasue it is indeed very good, and as you say you are a son of the soil If you are good enough to be published in Swaziland then you should be good enough to be published in your home land! Thanks again.