Africa Needs Such Men and Women

Monday, February 11, 2008

We had the privilege to listen to and record the extraordinary words of UNETEC’s Chairman at a State House Press Comference on Friday. President Jammeh is a phenomenon as African leadership goes and we heartly second the UNETEC Chairman’s emotion.

UNETEC came to The Gambia before July 22nd 1994 and have been here to partner  President Jammeh and his team in the unique transformation that has taken place in this country during the last 13 years.

We here at the Daily Observer are not in the least surprised by the Chairman’s wholesome praise of the President’s efforts, although we are indeed delighted to hear it expressed in such fulsome language.

In a recent piece titled Jammeh the Builder, the editor-in-chief wrote the following:

" … schools and hospitals built on a huge scale. Roads have been built, as has been an airport. Infact, President Jammeh’s achievement literally shine as you drive in the Kombos at night where road lights that never existed in the country illuminate the darkness.

Television, radio and all sorts of communication including fixed-line telephones and mobile phones, and even wireless internet "hotspots" which I had never used in all my years in the West, proliferate throughout The Gambia.

With the very generous commitment of the heroic support of the Taiwanese government and others (to whom we must add UNETEC, Kharafi, the government of Kuwait and other Gulf States), Jammeh’s government is also working hard on improvements in the area of agriculture in order to feed the nation … the recent development of The Gambia under Jammeh and the APRC becomes even more remarkable when one realises that the country has no natural resources to speak of, and faced hostility from some quarters when Jammeh came to power … This week we have seen the remarkable University of The Gambia Convocation. I repeat "remarkable", so remarkable that I, a 51-one year old, get goose pimples as I think of and admire the achievement.

I and many others, Gambians and foreigners, are encouraged by President Jammeh’s total dedication to the development of this country. Going by President Jammeh’s stupendous track record over the last 13 years, I believe another decade of accelerated development and progress lie in store for this country".

We are, therefore, delighted to hear such praise - where praise is certainly due. We would just like to add that not just Gambia but all of Africa needs such men -  and women.

If Kenya had had a Jammeh 30 years ago, Kenya could have been spared its current woes; if Nigeria had had a Jammeh 40 years ago, Nigeria would be a global military and economic super-power today; (they did have such a man in Gen. Muritala Muhammad but he was killed quickly). If Zimbabwe had a Jammeh it would not be in the mess that it is in today.

We bless Allah for Jammeh’s continued wise and dedicated leadership, and agree with the UNETEC Chairman’s prayer for God to grant Jammeh long life - for Gambia and Africa need his inspiring example.

Author: DO