SoS Jammeh visits Kotu Power Station

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ousman Jammeh, Secretary of State for Petroleum, Energy and Mineral Resources, who doubles as the Secretary-General and Head of the Civil Service, yesterday visited the Kotu Power Station, as part of a familiarisation tour of his department. Receiving the newly appointed Secretary of State, Momodou Jallow, Managing Director of National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC), welcomed SoS Jammeh and the delegation to Kotu Power Station and further used the opportunity to congratulate the new Secretary of State for his appointment. He then assured him of his company’s readiness to work with him.

According to Mr Jallow, Kotu Power Station, is the nerve centre of NAWEC, adding that it has a capacity of about 30 MW, and that government has invested a lot in the power station.

Mr. Jallow then commended President Yahya Jammeh for his invaluable support towards the improvement of NAWEC.

Momodou Amego Jeng, Board Chairman of NAWEC expressed delight at receiving the new Secretary of State. He said President Jammeh wants to see NAWEC functioning as expected, adding that the President has solved all their problems and they are now expected to improve to a higher level.

For his part, Muhammed Bazzi, Chairman of Global Management System also assured SoS Jammeh of their support.

He said  NAWEC has achieved a lot within a short period, but they still need to redouble their efforts to make sure that the whole country is electrified.

For his part, Ousman Jammeh, Secretary-General and Secretary of State for Petroleum, Energy and Mineral Resources, said his visit is a familiarisation tour to kick start work at his Department of State.

“We have all seen the great efforts that the President has done for NAWEC. Therefore, this is a big challenge for me and I need your support. Let’s reaffirm our commitment to make sure that every household in The Gambia gets access to electricity and water,” he added.

According to SoS Jammeh, water and electricity, should be made affordable to all, adding that sometimes people complain about  high bills.

He said access to electricity and water is a constitutional right to all Gambians, and therefore NAWEC should double up their efforts to respond positively to their challenges and witness many more achievements.

SoS Jammeh also observed that electricity and water should be made available in quantities, in order to attract businesses, investors and to easily achieve the Silicon Valley.

He then advised NAWEC staff to respond to public demand, to conduct a series of sensitisation programmes on TV and radio on the bills; and to also have a hot line in place that will immediately respond to the public demands.

“If all these are done, it will improve the good image of NAWEC in the country. Although people are commending us, but let us not be complacent. We still need to push forward to register many more successes,” SoS Jammeh challenged.

He then saluted President Yahya A.J.J Jammeh, the management of NAWEC and Global Management Systems for the achievements that NAWEC has registered over the years.

At the end of the visit, SoS Jammeh and his delegation were taken on a conducted tour of the power station.

SoS Jammeh was accompanied by Ebrima Camara, Permanent Secretary at the Office of the President, Baa Saho, Director of Energy, among others.

Author: Written by Assan Sallah
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper