Stop-Step judgement deferred

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The judgement in the 0.5 million alleged theft case against Alieu Faye, former accountant of the Stop-Step Pharmacy and Jays Electrical Holdings was yesterday deferred to October 4th 2007, by Principal Magistrate Moses Richards of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court.

The case that was set for judgement was yesterday adjourned, to enable the magistrate to get more time to finish writing the final verdict in the alleged theft case. The case that protracted for over four months has witnessed testimonies from eight witnesses from both the prosecution and the defence, as well as addresses from both parties arguing as to whether the prosecution has a case or not.

It could be recall that, Alieu Faye is standing trial for allegedly stealing D547,547, being monies belonging to Stop-Step Pharmacy and Jays Electrical Holdings in the month of May 2007, at the time he was working as an accountant in the said company.

Author: Written by Buya Jammeh
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper