Technical Assistance for Capacity Building

Monday, August 13, 2007

With multiple demands on existing national health resources and services, CIAM is committed to helping address national needs and strengthen public health services. It is well-placed to do this with its roots imbedded in human resource strengthening and with strong technical analysis skills. Two examples of work with the National Malaria Control Programme, a long-standing and valued partner, are described below and illustrate the value and benefits of this type of collaboration.

Development and submission of 2 national-scale programme proposals

NMCP and CIAM worked intensively on designing 2 large programmes which scale-up new malaria technologies. One which addresses groups vulnerable to malaria eg children and pregnant women, has already gained approval for funding by the Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. The other specializes in providing technical assistance in planning, monitoring and evaluation to the scaling up process. This project also culminates in the documentation of a model of how to sustain high quality and responsive service delivery after the end of such a programme.  The decision on funding this project is pending.

Design, fundraising and start-up of an extensive 3-armed study into ANC services

An evaluation of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria for pregnant women was conducted in 2 pilot divisions. Following this evaluation, the NMCP, Reproductive and Child Health Unit and CIAM collaborated on the design of an in-depth, 3-pronged study to assess antenatal care nationally, including the motivating and de-motivating factors affecting health worker performance. Funding was secured in April 2006 and one arm was completed in 2006. The combined results of the 3 arms will be published in mid-2007.

In November 2006, CIAM signed and began work on implementing a 3-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with DBL-Institute for Health Research & Development, a Danish organization and key partner of CIAM’s since 2001. The MoU defines areas of assistance for collaboration between CIAM and the NMCP and other national public health programmes. One key area is a certificate course on monitoring, evaluation and operational research that will be run jointly by CIAM, DBL and the University of The Gambia in 2008.