16 hotel managers trained on customer care approach

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

 At least 16 hotel managers have been certified by the Gambia Tourism Authority (GTA), after successfully completing a three months intensive training course on pragmatic approach to customer care, customer operations, customer service and care in Hotels, at a ceremony held at the Gambia Hotel School on MDI Road in Kanifing.

The participants who were certificated after the completion of the training were drawn from different institutions in the hotel industry.

In his remarks, Dr Sasi Ndure, a resources person during the training who doubles as the Consultant and Lecturer at MDI, dilated on the importance of customers in any business, adding that they are the most important asset to the business sector. Dr Ndure posited that, all retention strategies built on the assumption of competitive quality being offered includes, providing high quality customer service, training and empowering employees to do everything to satisfy customers and build good relationship and continually identifying customers’ needs and taking actions to meet their satisfaction.
Ndure however, commended the GTA for providing the platform for the training.
Declaring the training closed, Kaliba Senghore, Director of The Gambia Tourism Authority (GTA), spoke on the important components of customer care. He noted that, the two elements of GTA are by control and Hotel classification. He added that in the business sector, especially the hotel industry requires a lot of emphasis on the approach and interaction.
The GTA boss further commended Dr Ndure for his efforts during the course of the training, and challenged the participants to share the knowledge gained during the training with their colleagues in their respective institutions. He also urged them to be ambassadors of their institutions.
Other speakers at the ceremony included Mr. Amadou Ceesay, Human Resources Manager, GTA.
Alice EM Secka delivered the vote of thanks.
Lamin Saho Director of Marketing GTA chaired the ceremony and certificates where presented to participants at the end of the programme.

Author: Written by Musa Ndow
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper