D10M school foundation stone laid

Friday, July 25, 2008
As part of the activities marking the 14th anniversary of the July 22nd Revolution, the secretary of state for Basic and Secondary Education, Fatou Lamin Faye, on Wednesday, laid the foundation stone for the construction of a new senior secondary school for Charles Jow Memorial Academy (CJMA), valued at D10 million.

SoS Faye represented President Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh at the historical event, held at the school grounds in Bundung.

In her speech, SoS Faye paid tribute to the KMC for establishing CJMA, adding that the council’s contribution to the education sector is highly commendable, as exemplified by a number of scholarships awarded to students, among others. She said the creation of the new school was observed by the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) of Charles Jow Memorial Academy, during its 10-year anniversary celebration, in 2007.

According to SoS Faye, the new senior secondary school, when completed, will help to develop the human resource capacities of the students and nurture a new generation of Gambians. She advised the students to acquire the relevant knowledge to carve a better future for themselves.

For his part, Yankuba Colley, the mayor of KMC, said his council is aware of its responsibilities in providing social services for its people, citing their heavy investment in the education sector as an example. He informed the gathering that his council created CJMA 11 years ago, in response to the needs of its residents.  

The new senior secondary school, Mayor Colley went on, will have 12 classrooms, six offices and 12 rest rooms.

The mayor used the opportunity to congratulate President Jammeh on the occasion of the July 22nd celebration and also assured the gathering that his council will always serve them.

Speaking earlier, Alhaji Ousman Ndow, the chairman of the Board of Governors of CJMA, said the academy seeks to meet the needs of the people of Bundung and the surrounding areas of the Municipality.

Mr Ndow revealed that their main objective is to provide quality education, with the support of their able principal, Alpha Khan, his staff and PTA, in collaboration with the Department of State for Basic and Secondary Education.

The ceremony was attended by secretaries of state, Ndiawar Touré, the mayor of Rufisque in Senegal and members of his delegation, dignitaries, well-wishers and students.

Author: by Assan Sallah & Ebrima Kanuteh