The Gambia Mission 2008 Provide Free Medical Service at JFPH

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Gambia Mission 2008, which arrived in the country last week, provided a free medical service on Monday at the Jammeh Foundation for Peace Hospital (JFPH) in Bundung. Speaking to this reporter at the hospital, Ms. Kamarre Jones, from Pro Health International and a member of the mission said their vision is to reach out to the Gambian people with the love of Christ through free medical services and community projects.

According to her, the medical team comprises 14 Pro Health International volunteers, 8 volunteers from Nigeria Graduate Fellowship, 3 from Youth with a Mission, The Gambia, Hassai Alumni and a Taiwanese Cardiologist, Dr. David Huang.

She said that the mission would visit Old Jeshwang and Mile 2 prisons, engage in the painting of police stations, distribute gifts to schools, Mega outreach at Taranga Beach Club and hold a seminar on life issues facing young people.

Meanwhile, upon my arrival at the JFPH I found a large crowd of patients with different ailments waiting to be attended to by the medical team.

The Taiwanese Ambassador to The Gambia, Patrick Chang, himself a doctor, visited the team while the work was in progress.

Author: By Nfamara Jawneh
Source: The Point