Lack of Water and Electricity Delays Opening of Brikama Tourist Market - SECY Colley

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hon Angela Colley, Secretary of State for Tourism and Culture, said last Monday at the National Assembly that the lack of water and electricity at the newly constructed tourist market in Brikama has been the main delay, for two complete years, in opening the market.

Mrs. Colley, who was answering a question raised by Hon. Abdou FHS Jarjue, National Assembly member for Kombo Central, as to what is delaying the official opening of the market, water was installed by NAWEC in March and negotiations between NAWEC and the Brikama Area Council were underway to provide electricity.

She said it was expected that each stall would be provided with a cash power metre to ease the problem of payment of bills. She was however quick to add that the cost of the connection and maintenance would be borne by individual vendors.

According to her, the Brikama Area Council, the Gambia Tourism Authority, and the Craft Market Association were currently working out the modalities for relocating the vendors to the new market.
It could be recalled that the new tourist market was completed in June 2005 at a cost of D6, 000,000 (six million dalasis). The project consists of 72 stalls, an administrative block, Training centre, smith’s kiosk, and weavers shed. It was inaugurated by President Jammeh in July 2005.

Author: By Babou Carr Senghore & Abba Gibba
Source: The Point