Brikama Methodist Academy Stages Beauty Contest

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Brikama Methodist Academy School has staged a beauty contest to win the Silicon Valley pageant. The event was held recently on the school grounds and, along with the 14 beautiful and talented contestants, was attended by the Secretary of State for Tourism Angela Colley, staff and friends.

In the competition 14 girls, all from the Methodist School participated in the contest. Out of this number only three who used their beauty and intelligence to such effect as to be crowned “Miss Brikama Methodist Academy”.

The first girl to be crowned was Jelatou Jallow. She won a prize entitling her to free education for the next academic year. She was followed by Fatou Sekundi Touray and Amie Sanyang respectively.

Speaking to this newspaper, Mr. Karamo Janneh the Headmaster of the school said, the competition aimed to promote the skills, potential and talents of the young girls. This would allow them, he said, to become responsible citizens.

He commended the administration of the school as dedicated and hard working for their initiation of such a good competition. He appealed to the administration to sustain the programme which aims to expose the talents of the young girls.

Further to these comments the Headmaster expressed his gratitude to the SOS for Tourism and Culture for her tireless work in promoting our rich African culture and Heritage.

We caught up with one of those crowned “Miss Brikama Methodist Academy” after the event. She said that she wished to thank all of her friends who had rallied behind for the event and called on the other contestants to join her in working towards maintaining excellence at the school.

Author: By Yerro Mballow & Njie Baldeh
Source: The Point