Lamin Waa Juwara To Serve In the BAC Interim Committee

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Secretary General of the National Democratic Action Movement (NDAM) is named to serve in the interim committee of the Brikama Area Council (BAC).Juwara was until his appointment into this committee a staunch opponent of the APRC regime. He has suffered so many arrests and tortures in the hands of people he describe as tugs of the regime in those days.

When contacted this afternoon on his appointment, Juwara said , though he was surprised because up to the time he was contacted by Media Agenda he has not said whether he will serve on the committee or not. However, he said the appointment was a sign of confidence by the president in him.

Juwara was appointed on Thursday, in accordance with the provision of the recently amended    Local Government Act providing for the president to dissolve and then set up interim management teams 90 days prior to the local government elections.

Asked what values he can add on the local governments, Juwara said with his experience with local governments he thinks even though it is in a short-term period but there is much he can add on the local government managements. He told Media Agenda that he has served as commissioner in almost all the five administrative regions and therefore the job will not be new to him.

Asked how he can work within a system that he very much opposes. “I am on record of saying that the last elections were free and fair and that has given the president a political legitimacy. We must analyse every thing objectively, praise where praise is due and criticize where criticism is due with all other objective, and that is the betterment of Gambia .” Juwara said his is one of a temporary thing.


Author: Kumunya Konteh
Source: Interview