Honorary Degree for President jammeh

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jean Monnet European University Brussels (Belgium)

His Excellency, the President Dr Alhaji Yahya Jammeh, was yesterday conferred with an honorary degree by Professor Francesco Cristina of Santannera, Counsellor of the Republic of The Gambia in Italy. The President was honoured for his ‘high competence in herbal and homeopathic medicine expecially for pathologies like asthma and epilepsy”. The university decreed that President Jammeh should be conferred the the honorary degree “in herbal and homeopathic medicine for his studies and his high competence in this sector of medicine”.

In accepting the degree the President thanked the Professor and the university who so honoured him. “May God reward you for what you have done because it is better than thank you. It is a big surprise that it came from those quarters who initially would hang me in the street as a lunatic and irresponsible somebody, and somebody who is out to endanger human life.

Thank God I didn’t go to a Western medical school. In those institutions they create a mindset out of which as an African you cannot break out. My role is to cure diseases that are lebelled incurabled.”It would be very irresponsible of me as a president, typically an African, to play with a disease that kills more blacks than any other race by falsely claiming that I can treat and cure HIV/AIDS when I cannot. I will rather die than do something that mean.

The West, when they cannot manipulate you they label you as a dictator. I would rather be a dictator who liberates his people than a democrat who sells his people into slavery. My cure is for the liberation of my people and I am happy to be recognised as such by the European University of Brussels”.

Also speaking at the occasion, the Vice President Isatou Njie-Saidy congratulated the President on behalf of The Gambia and the whole of Africa. “You have raised the prominence of African medicine generally”, she said. She emphasised that not only outsiders were looking down on African medicines, but also educated Africans. She thanked all Gambians who have supported the President’s treatment.

SoS for Health and Social Welfare, Dr Malick Njie, and Dr Tamsir Mbowe Director General of the President’s Treatment Programme, also gave thanks.

Goodwill Ambassadors

At the same ocassion, the beauty queens of Miss Black USA presented the President with gifts, and thanked him for inviting them to the 43rd Independence Celebration. They also promised to promote The Gambia when they return home to America.

Author: by Abdul Jobe