SOS Hermann Gmeiner School Holds Graduation Ceremony

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

SOS Hermann Gmeiner Lower & Upper Basic School held their fifth graduation ceremony last Wednesday at the school’s ground.

"Over the years, this institution has witnessed a rise in performance both in academic work and extra curricular activities thus earning the institution a formidable ranking among the best schools in the country," Mr. Paul Mendy, a teacher of the school, said while delivering the welcoming remarks on the occasion.

The Principal of the school, Mrs. Hannah Davis, in her speech said the graduation of the grade nine students has marked another milestone in the development and history of the school.

She added: "This graduation ceremony marks the passing out of our grade nine students of this school. Today they will cease to become students of this school and taking one step into the world unknown but it is also a beginning for them to become ambassadors of their alma mater."
She urged the graduates to see the occasion as an achievement and advised them to be serious with their education and committed to learning, as it is the key to life.

Other speakers on the occasion included Mrs. Musukuta Badjie, Programme Officer of Child Protection Alliance.

The head girl of the school delivered the vote of thanks saying: "I stand here before you on this glorious afternoon on behalf of the outgoing students of this great school to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks and gratitude for all that you have done for us during our course of study here."

Author: By Shanta Jatta
Source: The Point