Monday, November 24, 2008
Success is a universal desire. Everyone yearns for success in one form or the other. Interestingly, we all have equal opportunities to succeed or fail in life.
Life is a series of opportunities. One person’s success cannot be responsible for another person’s failure. Success is a choice as well as failure. Anyone that succeeds only chose to succeed, and anyone that fails simply made a choice for it. In life, we are all products of the choices we made.
Whatever that is happening around your life today gives me a clue to the choice you made yesterday; and whatever you are doing now is a pointer to the choice you’ve made today, and it will show in your results tomorrow.
Life is a press-button system. Everything is remotely controlled by the laws or buttons of life. What answers or changes is a function of the button pressed. There is no accidental success. Success answers to secrets. Prosperity is an international citizen just as failure is. There are secrets to hold if you must remain in command; and there are silly things to do and live in regrets.
I undertook a careful study of the ten richest men in the world today to find out what stood at the foundation of their outstanding successes, and came out with startling discoveries. Let me quickly show you this report:
The tenth richest man is L-ka Sling, and is worth $26.5billion. The 9th richest is Oleg Deripaska, and is worth $28billion. The 8th richest is KP Singh, and is worth $30billion. The 7th richest is Ingvrah Kamprad, and is worth $31billion. The 6th richest is Anil Ambast, and is worth $42billion.
The 5th richest is Mukesh Ambani, and is worth $43billion. The 4th richest is Lakshmi Mittal, and is worth $45billion. The 3rd richest is Bill Gates, and is worth $58billion. The 2nd richest is Carlos Slim, and is worth $60billion. The 1st richest is Warren Buffet, and is worth $62billion.
I found a common denominator running through the success secrets of each of them, and this I admitted as a universal secret of success. This secret I found was not different from the success secret of the richest men in the Bible in Biblical times. So, this secret applies to all men of all races and religion.
This secret is summarized in one word – PHILANTHROPY.
History is crowded with chronicles of men and women who had the good of their world at heart. Everyone was sent into the world as a contributor, and not a consumer. It was on this basis Benjamin Franklin truly said, “If your riches are yours, why don’t you take them with you to the other world?”
The secrets of men are in their stories. Go over the stories of Bill Gates, Carlos Slim and Warren Buffet, and you will find this secret running through all their individual initiatives, packaged as FOUNDATIONS to make the world a better place. We have The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Carlos Slim Foundation and Warren Buffet
Foundation. In the New York Fortune Magazine of June 25, 2006, Warren Buffet was quoted as pledging 85% of his Berkshire stock to philanthropy. He said a dominant 5/6th of the shares will go to the world’s largest philanthropic organization, the $30billion Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Their foundation’s activities, internationally famous, are focussed on world health – fighting diseases as malaria, HIV / AIDS, and tuberculosis – and on improving U.S. libraries and schools.
We also have the Clinton Foundation with a global initiative (CGI) not different from the three world financial giants. Not very far from our doorstep, we have the Jammeh Foundation, still pursuing a global course that will culminate in global change. God is a prudent manager of resources. He has a global vision for global change. Anyone that aligns himself with this truth automatically becomes a candidate for financial empowerment. It is the size of a man’s vision that determines the volume of money he attracts.
There are natural endowments inside everyone that the world is waiting for. Majority of people have died with these endowments. Some have even passed through life without realising why they were given life.
Everyone has a right to proper health care, good education and security; but the world is waiting for who will offer these to them. In my opinion, it is not fair leaving everything to the government or putting all the blames on our leaders. God can financially empower anyone with the right vision to assist the government in her efforts.
There are two fundamental and very vital facts you must appreciate if outstanding success is what you are gunning for:
There is a treasure in you
As` I mentioned earlier on, no one can really offer more than what he possesses. God mysteriously packaged inside every of His human creatures something the world is waiting for; something that will profit the world!
The foundation for outstanding failure in life is self-underestimation. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” If you feel good about yourself, you will always feel good about other people.
Most times I feel God is disappointed with the human race. It’s almost as though God looks at the ideas He stored in us and says with a voice of disappointment, “If you only knew what you can do.” That’s the attitude of God toward you and I. God is totally disappointed in us because He knows what we can do. But we don’t. God isn’t impressed by your dreams because most of us never wake up long enough to do anything with our dreams.
The truth still remains that whatever treasure God has deposited in you is of high commercial value.
What you do with the treasure in you
No man can discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
Your talents or natural endowments are not as important as what you do with them. You can do everything God asks.
Whenever God gives you a responsibility, He also gives you the ability to meet that responsibility. In other words, if God tells you to do something, He knows you can do it; and if you think you can do it, you can.
The people who are blessings to humanity are usually men and women who decide there is more to them than what other people have said. People who bless the world are people who believe there is an ability inside them to accomplish something that has never been done. Though they may not know exactly what they can do, they try because they believe they can accomplish something.
My idea is that you begin to challenge that treasure that is in you. You don’t have to wait for anybody to challenge you. Miracles happen when we give our potential responsibility. God designed it that way. You must not allow the things within you to die with you because you did not challenge them.
You may never decipher how valuable you are until you begin to place demands on that good thing inside you. Don’t forget, you are not as poor or inferior as you think. Everything designed to make you great lies inside you; and that is what the entire world is waiting for.
Pastor Israel Etimis the senior pastor of Winners Chapel International, The Gambia. He can be contacted on : 9917917 or 4461577
Author: by Pastor Israel Etimis