Scout Jamboree Case Continues, As Witness Testifies

Monday, February 16, 2009
Police prosecutor Inspector Fadera on the 11th February 2009 called his second witness to testify in the trial of one Babucarr Khan in a scout Jamboree case. The said Baboucarr Khan is standing trial before Magistrate Sagarr Jahateh of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court for allegedly receiving money by false pretence.

In his testimony, the witness, Omar Ceesay, told the court that he lived at Serekunda London and is a businessman. He said he recognised the accused and could remember the 2nd December 2005.

He stated that he was told by one Omar Fadia that there was going to be a Scout Jamboree in the U.K. and asked him whether he was interested. He adduced that he answered in the positive. He further revealed that he asked Omar Fadia to introduce him to the person responsible for the jamboree.

He went on to narrate that the accused’s telephone number was given to him and he spoke to him.

He testified that the accused told him that the fee for the jamboree was D30, 000 that he paid to him in the presence of one Babucarr Fatty.

He stated that he was given a receipt after he paid the money to the accused. He added that he lost the original copy of the receipt but he gave the photocopy of the receipt to the police. He went on to say that he later attended a scout training for three days. He finally told the court that he never went for the Jamboree in the U.K. and he was never given back his money by the accused.

The case was adjourned to the 27th February 2009.

Author: Dawda Faye