My gratitude to U-17

Monday, January 26, 2009

Please allow me space to extend my profound gratitude to the U-17 soccer team for the excellent work they have been doing. They have earned the respect of all soccer pundits in The Gambia and abroad.

There is no turning back, we have come too far. There is a Wollof proverb that says ‘if you ask God for sustenance and he answered with a hen, then give thanks and note that He, the Almighty, is about to deliver a camel. These boys need to be given the chance to prove their worth to the fullest. Let’s build the momentum now by urging all Gambians everywhere to support them morally, financially and in anyway possible.

I have to thank the GFA for tirelessly giving their time, and I cannot end without thanking former GFA veterans. Remember, soccer pundits, we cannot turn back; we have come a long way. Keep sporting.

Author: By Njoll Gai, New York