Over 30 journalists drawn from both print and electronic media houses, last Friday received training on child and other related rights, with emphasise on the much talk about Sexual Harrasment Policy (SHP).
The one-day extensive and interactive training which was held in the conference hall of TANGO, was organised by a consortium of Civil Society Organisations in The Gambia such as the Education For All Network Campaign, FAWEGAM, GAMCOTRAP among others.
The training programme exposed journalists about the existence of the Sexual Harrasment policy, which was jointly formulated by the Department of State for Education and other stakeholders in the world of promoting and protection of child rights especially the girl child and their right to education, retention and performance in school.
These was meant to give journalists first hand knowledge on the sexual harrasment policy, its provisions and guide lines for both students and teachers, what is expected of them in case or cases of sexual harassment and measures of the policy for perpectrators among others.
The training also recognised the vital role of journalists in disseminating information to the genegal public about the existence of sexual harassment policy in The Gambia amidst rampant abuse and other related violation of child rights, especially the girl child.
Sexual exploitation of children the girl child in particular, is becoming rampant in our schools and communities.
There is need to stop it. We cannot afford to have our girl child drop out of school. We most protect and develop them to the fullest”, said Matar Baldeh, coordinator of Education For All Network Campaign in The Gambia at the opening ceremony of the programme.
Mr Baldeh seized the opportunity and urged journalists to joint what he called, the fight against child abuse and sexual harassment in our communities and schools. He emphaised the need for public awareness about existence of sexual harrrasment policies and its implications.
The EAF coordinator described offences such as sexual harassment and child abuse as very serious which contribute significantly towards under development of many communities. He called on teachers, parents and guidians, to protect and be role model of their children in order for them to achieve a better and prospective future.
Mrs Adulait Sosseh, chairperson of EFA Network-The Gambia and Modou Saho, programme officer of FAWEGAM, all spoke at length on the dangers associated with child exploitation, especially sexual harassment in our societies. They each backed up their comments with extensive reference to legal provisions, the sexual harassment policy and other examples of crimes committed and their impacts on the victims.
The day long training session was characterised by presentation on content of the sexual harassment policy, the role of the media, to raise awareness of people about the policy and its uncompromising punitive measures for would be perpectrators.
Certificates were awarded to all the participants at the end of the training session.