The media has a very crucial role to play in the progress of society. Journalists do not only shape the views of people, but are also instrumental in shaping the sense of direction of our sovereign states. This is why the upholding of professionalism in the execution of journalistic work is deemed the fundamental principle for media practitioners.
We all need correct, true and unbiased news more frequently and through appropriate sources. We need news that keeps us updated with latest happenings all over the world. We need media sources that present and express news freely without any political or commercial influence. But, unfortunately, we are witnessing the coming up of media institutions which present only views instead of giving news. This is sure because just recently, certain media houses are becoming notorious for the publication of information that lack truth and credibility.
The truth is that no media institution can earn for itself a good reputation by proving to the people that they are masters in the fabrication and publication of false news or reporting subjective information. Journalists are not people from outer space. They belong to the society. Attempts to promote confusion and chaos in society will only lead to self destruction as well as the destruction of the society as a whole. Imagine what will be the repercussion if media institutions and practitioners are hell-bent on misinforming the people. As media practitioners, we should under no circumstances allow imposters to pollute the good services we are rendering to society.
The questions that arise are: What kind of media and journalism do we aim to have? What kind of newspapers, news channels and sources of news does the society need. If a journalist does not understand the reality, if they are not able to sense the needs of the people, to pass the true message to the people, then they are not fit to be called journalists. If a journalist knowingly misleads the public and misinterprets the message then he/she is harmful to the society. Such people are not fit to remain in the realm of journalism. These people and so called media houses should excuse true and genuine journalists and media institutions and allow them to do their job.
It is time that the wrong kind of media is eliminated from the society. Media houses and journalists have an obligation to expose wrong-doings and wrong-doers but if the media itself becomes a wrong-doer, if the news channels try to instigate and invoke communal differences within the people, what will be the punishment? There is a need to take a strict, fitting and timely action against such media houses.