Mambury Njie bags new appointment

Friday, February 8, 2008

Mambury Njie,former secretary general and head of Civil Service, Office of The President, has been appointed by President Jammeh as The Gambia’s Ambassador to the Gulf State of United Arab Emirates. Mr Njie has wide expierience in the public service, having served as the managing director of Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation, permanent secretary, Office of the President.

Mr Njie, joined the Civil Service as a cadet economist, Special Studies Unit, Ministry of Finance and Trade and rose to the rank of principal economist and head of Macro-Economic and Financial Analysis Unit (MFAU) at the Department of State for Finance and Economic Affairs. Mr Njie’s unit was the focal point for the IMF and World Bank Country Monitoring Programme.

On the diplomatic front, Mambury Njie played an instrumental role in drawing up a strategy and policy setting as Ambassador of The Gambia to Taiwan with accreditation to the Philippines.

Mambury Njie has an experience in public sector reforms, country portfolio management, developement and maintenance of public institutions, policy analysis, investment appraisals, project design and international affairs.

As such, he served and chaired the advisory panels of a number of organisations: The Gambia National Petroleum Company, the Bureau and Council of International Social Security Association Board, Trust Bank Limited, and Remuneration Committee Board of CFAO, Ocean Bay Hotel & Resort Board of Directors; Board of Directors of Home Finance Company, Jammeh Foundation for Peace Board, National Water and Electricity Company.

Under the Thomas Jefferson Fellowship, he holds an MA in International Affairs, with specialisation in Economic Policy Management from the Ivy-league School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia Universty, New York, United States of America.

He also holds a degree in Economics and Political Science from East-Stroudsbourg University, Pennsylvania, USA and undertook numerous training from various institutions including Harvard University, International Monetary Fund Institute and World Bank Economic Development Institute of Washington D.C; Arthur D Little Management Education Institute of Cambridge, USA.

Following his graduation, he did a six-month internship at World Bank Africa Division in Washington D.C.

He was awarded an insignia of national medal of Officer of the National Order of the Republic of The Gambia and Grand Cordon Order of the Brilliant Star from the Governement of Taiwan.

Author: by Abdoulie John