David Colley has case to answer - Prosecutor tells the court

Friday, September 21, 2007

Inspector Touray, the police prosecutor in the ongoing theft case against David Colley, former Director General of Prisons, has maintained that the accused has a case to answer.

Inspector Touray made this submission yesterday while replying to a submission made by Defense Counsel, Antouman Gaye.

Delivering his submission at the Banjul Magistrates’ Court, presided over by Magistrate BY Camara, Inspector Touray said the evidence of the first prosecution witness, Ms Rose of the Old Jeshwang Prisons, revealed that the accused borrowed a generator from her through one Chief Inspector Jobe and Kamara Sanneh. He reminded the court that the witness also indicated that the said lending transaction was recorded in the station diary.  He recollected that the witness also informed the court that she had made several demands for the return of the generator, through Baboucarr Jatta, the then Secretary of State for Interior but to no avail.

He said the accused had no intention to return the generator in question and then submitted the evidence given by Edrissa Camara and Burama Dibba, describing them as “reliable, clear, and corroborated.”

He then made reference to several provisions of the Criminal Code to back his argument.

Author: Written by Buya Jammeh
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper