Vex Gungee Man Breaks Silence

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Having being playing an extremely low profile card in the entertainment scene for sometime now, the one-time vocalist of the moribund Farrow House Crew has broken his silence with an exclusive interview with this paper. 

Vex Gungee Man, who had gone solo six years ago, said that he had been hiding behind the curtain because he was deep into spiritualism, reading the Quran and praying. But he was quick to add that he is still a musician and would remain to be a musician for the rest of his life.

It could be recalled that Vex Gungee Man was shot to prominence in 2001 following the release of his phenomenal debut album entitled “4 The Gambia”. 

However, in recent times it was mouthed in many quarters that the man has thrown in the towel. 

Setting the records straight, Vex Gungee Man said: “I was not going to show but that does not mean that I have quit music. I cannot leave music because music is in my veins. My grandfather use to play the one-string guitar while my father is a professional as he sings and writes songs.”

The Bakau-based controversial singer went on to say that he is poised to make a big bang in his career.

According to him, he is at present working round the clock on his second album which is to be released in December this year.

Source: The Point