EU Delegation reacts to pseudo-journalism

Thursday, December 13, 2007
In a recent editorial, the Daily Observer said the following about these totally irresponsible, so-called illiterate "journalist asylum seekers" and we repeat it here again without apology:

"…rise in decadent pseudo-journalism. Because of sheer selfishness, some asylum seeking journalists, with absolutely no cause to complain, have transformed themselves overnight into enemies of their own motherland, preoccupied with utterly unethical self-interest to get out of Africa for the riches of the West.

To get out of Africa they would resort to the most desperate measures …” What a shame! Well, irresponsible, so-called "journalists", here is the statement of the European Delegation clarifying EU relationship with The Gambia.

Statement of the European Delegation:

"Note Verbale: The Delegation of the European Commission in the Republic of the Gambia presents its compliments to the Department of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Gambia and would like to take this opportunity to correct a press article published in the Internet on the Gambia Journal on 7th November 2007, published after the presentation of the credentials of His Excellency, Mr Gilles Hervio,

Head of the EC Delegation residing in Dakar, to His Excellency the President Alhaji, Dr Yahya Jammeh, mentioning that "I expressed my dismay at the slow pace of the implementation of bilateral projects in the areas of decentralisation, transport infrastructure and immigration".

What H.E Mr Hervio said, on the contrary, is that we are exploring new projects in these fields in the 10th  EDF.  It is also mentioned in this article that "the EU’s Ambassador’s critical statement came as a surprise to many and signals the coming of new tensions between government and the EU".  I can assure you that there are simply no tensions at present between The Gambia Government and the European Union.

You were present during the presentation of H.E Mr Hervio’s credentials and you will recall that he announced to His Excellency, the president that the 10th EDF will provide additional financial resources compared to the 9th EDF and that we will remain the most important donor in The Gambia.

He did not hide the fact there were some delays encountered in the implementation of some current projects and we, together with the various Gambian Departments of State and the NAO are finding solutions to speed up this implementation in 2008.

As you know, the 10th EDF Country Strategy Paper/National Indicative Programme has been adopted by the EU Member states on 28th November 2007 and will most likely be signed in Lisbon on the 9th of December 2007, during the AU-EU Summit.

The Delegation of the European Commission in the Republic of the Gambia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Department of State for Foreign Affairs, the assurances of its highest consideration."

We repeat for the deaf: "… there are simply no tensions at present between The Gambia government and the European Union". We have no doubt, here at the patriotic Daily Observer, that those foreigners on the ground in The Gambia, be they Europeans, Taiwanese, Brits or Americans, see The Gambia for what it is: a peaceful African country whose government is working hard to improve the well-being of its people.

Author: DO