For about half the world’s population, malaria remains one of the greatest threats to public health.
It is a disease that causes poverty, disrupts the livelihood of
families, and far too often, steals the future of lives in Africa, the
Amazon, the Mekong Delta region of Southeast Asia and elsewhere. In
tropical Africa alone, the disease kills nearly 3,000 people each day.
Young children and pregnant women are at greatest risk. World Malaria
Day is observed April 25 to call attention to the disease and to
mobilize action to combat it. The U.S. has taken extraordinary steps
to curb the spread of this preventable and curable disease.
The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) represents an historic $1.2
billion, five-year expansion of U.S. government resources to fight
malaria in Africa. The strategy is straightforward. First,
prevention: PMI supports indoor residual spraying to keep deadly
mosquitoes at bay, the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets to
provide protection from malaria-carrying mosquitoes, and preventive
malaria treatment to expectant mothers during pregnancy. Second,
treatment: PMI distributes new and highly effective medicines and
trains health workers on the proper use of those medicines. Working
with national governments and other donors, PMI has helped to rapidly
scale up these malaria prevention and treatment measures across 15
countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Outside of Africa, the U.S. supports two regional malaria activities to
contain the emergence of multi-drug resistance: the Amazon Malaria
Initiative covers all eight countries making up the Amazon Basin of
South America, and the Mekong Malaria Program covers all five countries
in the Mekong Delta Region in Southeast Asia.
During the third year of implementation, the United States reached more
than 32 million people with malaria prevention and treatment measures
in Africa. In 2008, PMI procured more than 6.4 million long-lasting
mosquito nets for free distribution to pregnant women and young
children and a total of 15.6 million anti-malarial drug treatments.
Indoor residual spraying activities covered six million houses and
protected nearly 25 million people at risk of malaria.
In Rwanda, Zambia, and Zanzibar we are beginning to see signs of major
reductions in the proportion of people infected with malaria. In
Rwanda and Zambia, there has been a striking reduction in deaths among
children under the age of five. Malaria prevention and treatment
measures are associated with and can contribute to these reductions.
Regional and district-level impact has also been reported from
Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Malaria control programs must be sustainable. We are focusing on
building capacity within host countries by training people to manage,
deliver, and support the delivery of health services, which will be
critical for sustained successes against infectious diseases.
Partnerships with host country governments, the Global Fund to Fight
AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the World Bank Booster Program for
Malaria Control, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and others have
made these successes possible.
Partnerships with faith-based and community organizations are
especially valuable to malaria control efforts because of the
credibility these groups have within their communities, their ability
to reach the grassroots level, and their capacity to mobilize
significant numbers of volunteers. PMI has supported more than 150
nonprofit organizations.
Across Africa and around the world, children and their families are
sleeping under bed nets; local groups are teaching mothers to take
anti-malarial drugs when they are pregnant and seek proper treatment
for their sick children. In schools and villages, community centers
and places of worship, clinics, and hospitals, optimism is growing that
we can and will succeed. We share that optimism. On World Malaria
Day, the United States will continue to galvanize action and spur
grassroots and private sector efforts to control the disease.