Beginners Exercise Tips

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

When someone wants to make a change in their life, they often think about eating better and starting an exercise program.

The problem is that most beginners think they have to go to the gym and get on a tread mill for an hour.

That is not possible for most people who have not been exercising, as it will simply be too much for them. They may be lucky to stay on for ten minutes before they simply cannot go any longer. Beginners exercise should be easy and simple so the body can get use to the new activity.

For the most part, one of the best ways to kick off beginners exercise is by walking. Almost anyone can walk, and it does not have to be that far at first. A walk around the block can have great benefits for anyone, and this will start the body on the process of learning to exercise again.

I recently read a piece from recently deceased copywriting legend Gary Halbert. His book was called The Boron Letters and in it he suggested that the one thing that helped him enjoy his day the most was having an early morning walk for an hour. He called it roadwork and pointed out that this simple exercise could give you a glow that lasted the rest of the day!

After a few weeks a person can start to walk further than when they started, and they might even walk a little faster or carry some very light weights in their hands. Walking is a very common beginners exercise and many doctors will recommend if for those who have been sedentary for a while.

When walking is not safe for any reason, there are some other beginners exercise that a person can do right in heir own home. If they have stairs, they can go up and down them. For the very obese, this might just be one trip, but that is okay. It will get easier after a while. Anyone who likes music can dance in their own home for beginners exercise as well. It does not have to be fast dancing, and it does not go on forever. Simple moving around to a few songs is a great way to get started.

Beginners exercise is only effective if it moves on to something else. After a few weeks it is important to add to the exercise so the benefits keep piling up. Any type of exercise will get easier and a person will be able to go longer as long as they do it a few times a week and that they keep going a little longer each week. After awhile, anyone will be able to work up a good sweat in any way they see fit. The important thing is to start and to keep going. If motivation is low, find a friend who is willing to make the journey too.

Author: Author: Matt Oconnor