AU commends Gambian soldiers in Darfur

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) has commended a contingent of Gambian soldiers deployed in the Sudanese troubled region of Darfur.

Gambian Company 5 (Gamcoy 5) which was deployed in June 2007, to further the AMIS mandate in partnership with other peace loving African countries to bring peace and security to the troubled Darfur Region.

In a letter faxed to the Daily Observer and signed by Colonel Assane Seck for the 2nd vice chairman of the Headquarters Ceasefire Commission (CFC) of AMIS, the mission reported that Gamcoy 5 has contributed to the peace currently being enjoyed by Darfurians in general and most especially those in and around AMIS Headquarters in El Fasher.

“Gamcoy 5 has continually manifested professionalism and a sense of commitment. As a result, the CFC AMIS FWD HQ seizes this opportunity to appreciate and commend the work well done. Bravo. Please accept our esteemed regards,” the letter concluded.

In a separate communication also forwarded to the Daily Observer by the Gambia Armed Forces headquarters in Banjul and signed by Colonel G Partington for the Force Commander, the Gambian contingent was commended for the “highly professional approach exhibited during the visit of the UN Secretary General, HE Ban Ki-Moon and his entourage to EL Fasher - Darfur on 6 September, 2007”.

“The quick response of the GAMCOY personnel to the tense situation that developed in El Fasher town is worthy of commendation. On behalf of the entire AMIS military component, the force commander once again commends GAMCOY 5 for its professionalism and efficiency displayed during the mentioned VIP visit,” the letter noted.

The force commander expressed hope that the unit strives for excellence in the performance of its duties during this critical transitional phase of the mission from AMIS to UNAMID.

In another letter addressed to AMIS Headquarters in El-Fasher and then forwarded to the Daily Observer by the GAF Headquarters, Lt Colonel Lars-Ake Vikstrom of Mil AD DCJLOC, heaped commendations on Gamcoy 5 for their professionalism and dedication to duty.

“In the evening of 24 July, 2007, a patrol from The Gambia arrived to guard the accommodation for EU personnel in El Fasher. Commanding the patrol was a lance corporal and under his command were two riflemen.

The patrol was there in exact time, carried their outfit well, politely and in all carried out their duty in an excellent way.

When I see soldiers that behave in that proper way, I believe, that this has to come to attention of their commanding officer,” Lt Col Vikstrom concluded.

Author: by Ebrima Jaw Manneh