Rwanda: ICRC supplies drinking water to 22,000 people

Monday, March 31, 2008

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has completed its water-supply project in Cyuga-Gihogwe, a rural neighbourhood on the outskirts of the town of Kigali. Around 22,000 people are now enjoying better access to vital drinking water.

“Thanks to this project, rural people now have access to water of an adequate quality and quantity. They no longer need to make long journeys every day to fetch it,” explains Tobias Epprecht, head of the ICRC delegation in Kigali.

The project was inaugurated today, at an official ceremony attended by Rwanda’s minister for the environment, water and mines, the head of the ICRC delegation, the managing director of Electrogaz (the national water board) and the district mayors, in addition to other local authorities and people from the neighbourhood in question.

Launched by the ICRC in April 2006 in conjunction with Electrogaz, this project has demanded an investment of over US$ 200,000. By providing a better supply of drinking water, it will improve the living conditions of people in the area.

The ICRC has worked with local authorities to set up water management committees in the neighbourhoods benefiting from this project, to ensure that the systems last. It has also funded training sessions and provided accounting equipment to help inhabitants run three rural water sources.

The ICRC is planning to complete three other water-supply projects in the east and south of the country this year. The total number of beneficiaries of these projects is estimated to be over 49,000 people.

Source: The International Committee of the Red Cross