Fire outbreak at AGIB Westfield

Thursday, December 13, 2007
A fire outbreak believed to have been caused by an electrical connection, occured yesterday afternoon at the Arab Gambian Islamic Bank’s (AGIB) Westfield branch.

The fire incident occured around 2:00 pm when staff of the bank were on break.

This reporter visited the scene immediately and caught up with Mamour Jagne, managing director of AGIB, who told the Daily Observer that the cause of the fire is believed to be an electrical connection. He added that the Fire Service Brigade are investigating to know the actual cause of the fire.

According to him, the damage occured in only one cubicle (cashier’s booth), and a chair, one computer and a few other materials were burnt.

He said the Fire Service were contacted immediately to come to their aid.

A press release from the bank later on revealed that by 16:00 pm the bank had resumed services to the public as normal.

Meanwhile, Mr Jagne also assured their customers that every thing is safe and that they will continue serving customers as required.

The bank assured customers that the it is fully comprehensively insured and that their assets are well secured.

Author: by Assan Sallah