Man Arrested, Detained for Fratricide

Friday, October 19, 2007

One Jawo Jallow, who allegedly killed his own brother, Momodou Bailo Jallow, after suspecting him of having an affair with his wife, has been arrested by the police and currently detained at the Brikama Police Station.

The police statement on the matter indicated that the two men are brothers of the same father. The statement further reported that the two had had a quarrel before Jawo Jallow, the younger of the two, accused the late Momodou Bailo Jallow of philandering with his wife. The resultant feud, the police recounted, was dealt with at the family level and apparently settled. However when on the fateful the two brothers went to a bush inside Cassamance on Monday, 8th October, to fetch charcoal, a fight erupted in which Jawo allegedly killed Momodou Bailo Jallow.

Speaking to this reporter at their residence in Tallinding, Isatou Jallow, one of the wives of the deceased, said that Jawo used an iron and stabbed her husband in the neck before disgorging his eyeballs from their sockets. She added her husband’s murderer then put his dead body in a bag and hanged it on top of a tree.

Author: By Njie Baldeh
Source: The Point