UCSSS speech day held

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Unity Comprehensive Senior Secondary School in Old Jeshwang, last Friday, held its first speech and prize giving ceremony at the school ground in Jeshwang.

Speaking at the ceremony,  Abiala Samson, the principal of the school  stated that the establishment of the school was in a bid to assist every Gambian to have access to education, and campaign in the fight against illiteracy.

“Since its inception in 2005 to date, the school has registered success and has been recognised as an examination centre for the West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination, meaning that, all graduants will bear the name of their alma mata” he said.

He reminded them to bear in mind the motto of the school “freedom is self discipline”, and to maintain a high sense of responsibility.

According to him, the school is currently running both Arts and Commercial departments and highlighted the significance of some clubs and societies in the school which made learning meaningful. He commended parents and students for their tiredless efforts in making the day a success.

Alfusainey Jabbi, a senior education officer from Region 2 ,who was also the guest speaker at the occasion, reminded graduants to correct the weaknesses they encounter throughout their three years secondary school course. He urged them to realise that whatever they choose, must be fulfilling as life after school is full of challenges and obstacles.

Yusuf Thullah, the outgoing senior head boy of the school urged the graduants to note that they are beginning to face real responsibility and adviced them to engage themselves in meaningful activities that will help to build a better nation. He saluted the teachers for their outstanding support during their three years course.

The ceremony was punctuated with a drama presentation by the school children and prizes were awarded to outstanding students.

Author: by Bekai Njie