Old Jeshwang Oyester women association to be form

Friday, March 7, 2008
The Oyester women in Old Jeshwang are set to form their own organisation. These was manifested by the women by organising their first meeting at the Ndangan site in Old Jeshwang yesterday.

The meeting was aimed at bringing together the oyester women in Old Jeshwang to form an association like the Try Oyester Women Association along the Banjul/Serekunda highway.

Speaking at the meeting, Sabel Jatta, a member of the oyester women in Old Jeshwang said they have been collecting oyesters for quite a long time now but still their is little improvement. She told the meeting that they do go to sea collect and what ever is sold will be use to settle the school fees of their children and other household affairs.

According to her, they are really tired and called for assistance from Fatou Janha-Mboob and the general public and quickly urged the women to be united and work together to improve their conditions.

For her part, FatouJanha-Mboob, coordinator of the Try Oyester Women Association, welcomed the decision of the  the women by calling her to help them. She described the call as a great pleasure and assured them of her willingness to assist Gambian women.

She then advised the women to clean their surrounding and the grounds where the oyester is being prepared for health safety. She then announced that there will be a cleansing exercise next week Monday.

She then promised to assist each oyester women to open a bank account just as she has done with the other oyester women.

Fatou Janha then called on the general public to come to the aid of these women in order to uplift their status to another

Mr Dawda Saine repesent the fisheries department and assured the oyester women of his department’s support.

Author: by Mariatou Ngum Saidy