Old Jeshwang Man Escapes Wrath of Law

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

An Old Jeshwang man was last week at the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court where he was charged with the offence of assault but was later freed thanks to his proximity to the complainant.

Sam Paul Jatta was spared the wrath of the law when he atoned for his offence of assaulting one of his family members thereby causing her actual bodily harm.

870 Touray, prosecuting, narrated that the incident occurred on 1st October 2007, when Sam Paul used a belt to lash the complainant.

According to the facts, as narrated by officer Touray, the incident was engendered by the complainant’s refusal to carry out a task assigned by her mother and did not stop there but also abused Sam following his intervention. Sam however promised never to be embroiled in such.

To magistrate Moses Richards, the case is a domestic matter having learnt that the two are a brother and sister. He nonetheless warned Sam never to take the law into his own hands as justice is there to take its course as enshrined in law and cherished by many.

Author: By Isatou Fatty-Jarju
Source: The Point