Boost for Sam Mbollet Village

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A British philanthroipist, Esther Shortt, and friends from the UK on Monday presented a cash amount of  £500 and books to the people of Sam Mbollet, in the North Bank Region, at a ceremony held at Tilly tours in  Kololi.

The donation came through Gambia Longevity through Villlage Education (GLOVE), a registered charity organistion based in The Gambia.

Initiated by Jackie Church , a Brtish national in June 2007, the main aims of GLOVE is to alleviate poverty in the rural village of Sam Mbollets by assisitng them with basic means to be self sufficient. 

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Jackie Church, Founder and project director said, the relationship between Sam Mbollet and GLOVE all started when a group of tourists who traveled by  Tilly’s Tours  expressed interest in visiting any rural Gambian settlement and thought of Sam Mbollet.

According to her, the project commenced in March 2007 and since then has contributed ememsely in the areas of Agriculture, Health, Education sanitation among other sectors.

According to her, the money they raised will be use to acquired materials for the people of Sam Mbollet.

“Since inception, we have donated lots of materials ranging from mosquito bednets, clothings, learning materials, medicines and currently over 28 students are  sponsored by the orgaisation” she said.

Author: by Sheriff Janko