Omar Kebba Joof, a six-year-old boy from Latrikunda Sabiji, has been suffering from respiratory difficulties since he was one week old. And now a medical report from the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital recommends that the young boy be airlifted for overseas treatment.
The medical report from the hospital reveals that Omar suffers from active pericardium, and that a thrill at the mitral area silhouette has enlarged. The young boy is also said to have systolic ejection murmurs in the mitral, an increased cardiothacic ratio consistent with a cardioegaly.
“On the basis of the above clinical features, findings on imaging given by the presumptive diagnosis, a medical board meeting was convened on his behalf.
Today, the medical board on Omar has seen him placid but in respiratory difficulty, pale with hyperactive pericardium and a thrill at the mitral area at the 6th left inter coastal space anterior axillary line and a systolic ejection at the mitral area,” the report stated.
It added that given that the facilities for his further in-depth evaluation and management such as imaging, radionuclide studies, and intra-cardiac cathetheral and subsequent reparative/re-constructive paediatric surgical intervention is not readily available within the sub-region, Omar will need to proceed overseas to a dedicated paediatric cardic surgery centre to undertake these.
The family of Omar is thus appealing to the government, philanthropists, the private sector and all who can to come to their aid in order to ensure that he successfully travels for overseas treatment.
For any assistance, you can contact Omar’s uncle, Mr. Kebba Joof, on Tel. 9937853.