Libyan Revolution Observed in Gambia

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The 38th anniversary of the Al-Fateh Revolution of the Great Socialist Libyan Arab Jamahiriya was recently observed in The Gambia to reflect on the achievements of the Libyan revolution.

The event was characterized by a reception hosted at the Jerma Beach Hotel in Kololi by the People’s Bureau of the Great Libyan Arab Jamahiriyaa in Banjul.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Ali Mohammad Dukaly, Libyan ambassador in The Gambia said: ‘The September 1969 revolution did transform The Jamahiriya in all aspects; politically, economically, socially and culturally.

The diplomat revealed that the revolution was designed, planned and executed under the leadership of Brother Muammar Al-Gadhafi and his comrades, enthusing that the revolution has totally changed the face of the Jamahiriya thereby bringing forth massive industralization, infrastructural and educational development.

According to envoy Dr. Ali, Leader Brother Gadhafi has always urged the people all over the world to unite and to make sacrifice for development. ‘He is now urging the African people to seriously consider realizing the long overdue dream of united Africa; the only solution to the problems of the continent that will ultimately lead it to a real emancipation and development,’ he stated.

He also hailed the Gambian leader, President Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh, for the July 22nd Revolution which, he said, have salvaged the Gambia from under-development to development.

Several dignitaries and Islamic scholars, including members of the League of Graduates of the Jamahiriya attended the occasion chaired by Alhaji Ousman Jah.

As part of the event, the ambassador on 6 September [day of the commemoration] laid the foundation stone for a guest house at the Libyan embassy premises in Fajara.  

Author: By Nfamara Jawneh
Source: The Point