US$300,000 for DoSH

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Taiwanese Foreign Minister, James CF Huang, has presented a cheque for US$300,000 to President Yahya Jammeh as part of its country’s subvention to the Department of State for Health and Social Welfare.
The Taiwanese Foreign Minister made this presentation on Monday at the President’s home village of Kanilai in Foni, Western Region.
Mr. Huang, who was accompanied to Kanilai by a 15 member delegation, arrived in the country as a special envoy of President Chen Sui-Bian.

During an encounter with the Gambian leader, Mr. Huang presented a cordial invitation to President Jammeh from President Chen, to attend the forthcoming Taiwan-Africa Summit slated for September, this year.
Mr. Huang said the summit will focus on peace, security, stability, prosperity and sustainable development in Africa.

In an interview with GRTS, the Taiwanese Envoy, who left Banjul on Monday afternoon, disclosed that President Jammeh has accepted the invitation to attend the September summit. He said he has reported on the state of bilateral cooperation between The Gambia and Taiwan to President Jammeh. He said they also exchanged ideas on bilateral co-operations and other regional issues.

Author: Written by Ebrima Jaw Manneh
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper