Accused remanded for two weeks

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Senior Magistrate Abdoulie Mbacke of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court on Monday, ordered for the custody of one Saikou Bah, to the remand wing of the State Central Prisons Mile Two, for two weeks. Saikou Bah, is standing trial on charges of robbery with violence, contrary to the Laws of The Gambia, an allegation he denied.

However, Magistrate Mbacke, expressed his disappointment with “the snail pace of proceeding”.

He said Detective First Class Kebba Bah, a CID Officer, who was asked to serve his witnesses to come to court, said he could not trace them.

Senior Magistrate Mbacke, further added that it is not fair for criminal matters brought before the court to be only struck out, due to the lack of diligent prosecution.

Meanwhile, he ordered for the accused to be remanded for two weeks, while the court determines what to do next.

The case was adjourned for hearing.

Author: Written by Lamin Njie
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper