Jainaba Janneh, a 3-year old resident of Farato village, Kombo South, needs urgent overseas medical treatment.
According to a medical report issued by the medical board of the RVTH and signed by Dr Emmanuel Onyekwelu, Jainaba Janneh was referred to the paediatric neurology clinic of the RVTH from the regional eye care centre for further evaluation and management of her right retinoblastoma.
The medical report indicated that Jainaba Janneh will need to undergo an evaluation radiotherapy and multimodal intensive chemotherapy overseas.
Salifu Janneh, father of Little Jainaba, speaking to the Daily Observer in a rather emotional state, said the disease is causing the young girl sleepless nights and endless pain.
“She is really suffering and she needs urgent assistance to save her life,” he told the Daily Observer tearfully.
According to him, he obtained information that the disease can be treated in Dakar, Senegal, “but I cannot afford the cost of her treatment. I appeal to the general public for assistance.” Any one wishing to help can call the following numbers, 9935687, 7000048, 7331442.