Why oppose development? Waa Juwara switches to APRC

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The leader of the opposition National Democratic Action Movement (NDAM), a nominated councilor at the Brikama Area Council, has confirmed his defection to the ruling APRC party.

Mr Juwara announced his defection on Sunday, during a visit to the D7.4 million water tank project in Katamina, Niamina West, by President Jammeh and his entourage.

Lamin Waa Juwara said he shifted his allegience from the opposition following his appointment at BAC.

A former UDP propaganda secretary, renown for his political prowess, Waa acknowledged that he was fully convinced that President Jammeh is a “quality leader”.

“But at the time when I was with the opposition [UDP], any criticism of the government was from me, because I was the propoganda secretary of the UDP, which I regret today,” he said.

Juwara, who is endeared to many for his fludity in political theories, pictured the country’s political landscape as sub-divided into two disciplines. “In The Gambia, there are two types of politics: politics of confrontation and politics of cooperation. President Jammeh is implementing the best type of politics, which is politics of cooperation.

I went into politics not for personal interest,  but for national interest and I have finally seen that President Jammeh’s politics is for the interest of all Gambians. I have decided to support him in national endeavours. In national interest, no one can lead President Jammeh and I will work with him all round to ensure that he attains his objectives,” said Juwara.

Mbarodi (lion in Fula parlance), a title he earned for his bravery, Juwara described President Jammeh as true democrat who subjects himself to the will of the people, and he called on every patriotic and development oriented citizen to support him to develop the country. According to him, President Jammeh is a man of “good character” and an exemplary leader in Africa, who always encourages peace.

He backed President Jammeh’s ‘back-to-the-land call’, expressing bewilderment that The Gambia should still be struggling for food self-sufficiency. He urged Gambians to make the best use of the opportunities accorded by the Jammeh administration.

To the opposition and sworn critics of the country, Mr Juwara described them as “unpatriotic and enemies of the state” bent on giving the country a nagative outlook internationally.

He used the opportunity to brief the president on the successes being registered at the Brikama Area Council.

To president Jammeh, an opposition like Waa Juwara who joins the ruling party only to contribute to national development is more patriotic than a 100 per cent APRC supporter who contributes nothing. The president urged people to forget politics and work collectively for national development.

He added that at the time of the appointment of Waa Juwara, he did not approach him to join the APRC party, but it was because of his foresight to work for national interest that he joined the ruling party.  

He then called for attitudinal change among Gambians and urged the youth to desist from enslaving their minds only to go to ‘Babylon’, for national development.

The President observed that if the vast lands in CRR were properly utilised, food would be available in abundance to even supply Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Mali. Jammeh then welcomed Waa Juwara to the APRC and assured him of his continued support.

Aquaculture project

In the sixth day of his tour, President Jammeh on Saturday, visited the Jahally Patchar Aquaculture Project at the Jahally rice fields and the Madina Rice Milling Station.

Accordng to officials, the aquaculture project is supported by the Taiwanese Technical Mission and aims at introducing and promoting fish farming in order to attract entrepreneurs for food security and poverty alleviation.

On the rice field, Mr Lin Yuon Sen, a Taiwanese agronomist in Sapu, CRR, said rice was also cultivated twice a year at the fields.

Author: by Alhagie Jobe on tour