Ebo Town resident jailed for defilement

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
One Alieu Kanteh, a resident of Ebo Town accused of defiling a girl under the age of 18, was yesterday convicted and sentenced to five years imprisonment without any option of a fine by Senior Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara of the Bundung Magistrates Court.

Narrating the facts before the court, Police Prosecutor Corporal Sarr, informed the court that the incident happened some time in December 2007, when the complainant, Isatou Saidy, met the accused (Alieu) in a shop where she was approached by him for an intimate relationship to which the complainant responded negatively, as she was already engaged to someone else.

According to him, Alieu Kanteh still persisted and invited Isatou Saidy to his workshop where he was able to convince the girl.  

He added that on the following day, the girl visited the workshop again and upon arrival, the accused (Alieu) took her to the house of a friend of his (one Saidou), where he had carnal knowledge of her. He explained that Alieu then spent three nights with her.
Corporal Sarr narrated that soon after that, the girl missed her period and informed Alieu Kanteh, and with his guidance about it and was rushed to the hospital.

He stated that the matter was then reported to the Tallinding Police Station and the accused was arrested and interrogated at the Child Welfare Unit in Banjul, where he admitted having carnal knowledge of the girl.

Alieu Kanteh, who pleaded guilty to the charge against him, begged the court for mercy.
Delivering her judgement, Senior Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara stated that sexual offenses have become rampant, especially with regards to the underaged and revealed her commitment to set an example in order to deter others.

She then sentenced Alieu Kanteh to five years imprisonment without any option of a fine. She further ordered him to compensate his victim with D50,000, or in default, serve another five-month imprisonment.

Author: by Salifu M. Touray