4-year cerebral palsy patient seeks assistance

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ebrima Cham, a four-year old child residing in Bundung, is urgently in need of assistance in order to undergo overseas treatment. He is a cerebral palsy patient who has been facing medical difficulties over the past years.     

Isatou Njie walked last Friday into the Daily Observer’s premises to make a desperate call on individuals, government departments and philanthropists so as to enable her son to recover from a disease due to the damages sustained by his brain before or during birth, resulting to difficulties in movement or talking.

The medical report reveals that Ebrima Cham has been known to the Neurology Clinic since early infancy because of a neuro-developmental delay following a severe neurological disease.

A cranial scan undertaken by the medical doctor has shown pathological effects on the brain.  

It is against this background, that the parents and the medical staff of the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH) are seeking assistance from the general public.
Anybody willing to help can contact Nyakassi on 9889817 at the RVTH  n Banjul.

Author: DO