Shop breaker convicted

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Senior Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara of the Bundung Magistrates’ Court, yesterday, convicted and sentenced one Momodou Lamin Jallow to pay a sum of D4,000 in default to serve six months imprisonment. He was found guilty of two charges of shop breaking and stealing.  

According to the facts before the court, Momodou Lamin Jallow, on July 1st, 2008, at Latrikunda market in the Kanifing Municipality, broke into and entered the shop of one Naffie Camara with the intention to commit felony.

On count two, Mr Jallow on the same day and place entered the shop of one Naffie Camara and stole properties worth D3,024.  

Momodou Lamin Jallow who pleaded guilty to the charges against him begged the court for mercy.  

In her ruling, Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara said though the accused had pleaded guilty, was a first time offender and the items had been recovered, he must be punished in order to deter others.

She then sentenced Mr Jallow to pay a sum of D2000 in default to serve three months jail term on each count, both sentences to run consecutively. She further ordered that the recovered items be returned to Naffi Camara.
Corporal Sarr stood in for the IGP.

Author: by Salifu Touray