Brufut Lower Basic, others get donation

Friday, July 6, 2007
Mr. Lamin Touray, social worker and philanthropist, last Thursday distributed consignment of computers, learning materials, clothes for both adult and children, toys, tooth pastes, lens, shoes among others to Brufut Lower Basic School (BLBS), Madiyana village in Kombo North and Banyaka village in Kombo South, Western Region (WR).

This humanitarian gesture started in Brufut Lower Basic School, where computers, tooth pastes and other valuable learning materials were handed over to Mr. Babucarr Jatta, Deputy Headmaster and other senior head teachers on behalf of the school. Mr. Jatta described the gesture as timely and wonderful, which according to him will greatly help the school towards the achievement of its goals, especially for the students. He noted that, computer literacy is part of his school’s agenda.

“We are waiting for NAWEC to electrify the school, with electricity supply, the sky is the limit for computer literacy”, he said.

The elated school head master and his senior teachers jointly thanked the donor Lamin Touray, for the gesture and called on others to emulate his efforts towards development of education in the country.

Speaking to the Daily Observer, Lamin Touray, thanked his Dutch and English friends such as Anne Donkas and  family, Paul and Karren from Holland, Gelen Robertson, Jean Brilly, John, Shelley, Steave More, Susan, Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Illis from England  for making  donation of the items possible.

Lamin Touray, however, revealed that with support of these people, he will soon begin construction of a skills training centre in Brufut village. He was quick to solicit sponsors or support from those interested in development of education in the country. He emphasised importance of education, especially skills acquisition.

Madiyana and Banyaka village where the next ports of call who all received the same kind of goods. Mr. Omar Camara, alias ‘Amai Camara’ from Banyaka expressed his delight and sincere gratitude to the donor, over what he described as his foresight, love for the country and welfare of its people. Many beneficiaries of the donation expressed similar heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Touray for the gesture and prayed for similar interventions by others.

Author: Written by Sanna Jawara
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper