‘Musa Susso tape’ played in court

Monday, April 20, 2009
A tape said to be a recording of allegations made by Musa Susso was yesterday played before Magistrate Kayode of the Brikama Magistrates Court.  Musa Susso is currently facing trial for allegedly giving false information to a public servant.

On the tape, Musa Susso made several allegations against the prison director, David Colley, and his men. Among the allegations were that the prison boss implicated him (Susso) in a Sim card scandal, leading to him (Susso) being beaten, and then tied up for three days without food. Musa also alleged that David Colley favoured inmates in exchange for money. He alleged that Ndeneh Faal was the only one who was allowed to have newspapers in his cell. He further alleged on tape that when Lang Conteh was jailed, he was like a boss in the prison, whatever he (Conteh) wished for, he would have.

Susso further alleged that the prison boss used to allow Ndeneh Faal and Batch Faye to go to MRC on the pretext that they were going to see a doctor but instead used such opportunities to engage in drug transactions. The former Kombo North National Assembly member alleged that David Colley and his men sometimes approached inmates and asked for money, promising them that they would recommend that they (the prisoners) be pardonned.

Author: by Modou Kanteh