Lamin Waa Juwara Appointed Interim Chairman of BAC

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

In what is likely to be seen as an interesting development by many keen followers of Gambian politics, President Jammeh has appointed Mr. Lamin Waa Juwara, leader of National Democratic Action Movement (NDAM) renowned for his vociferous opposition to President Jammeh and the APRC administration, as interim Chairman of Brikama Area Council (BAC), this paper can reveal.

Mr. Juwara was appointed on Thursday, in accordance with the provision of the recently amended Local Government Act providing for the president to dissolve and then set up interim management teams 90 days prior to the local government elections.

When contacted, Mr. Juwara confirmed the story and said: “Really it is surprise to me, but I think it is a step in the right direction. The fact that President Jammeh has appointed me to the interim management committee of BAC, he has scored a big political point. It confirms that he doesn’t see everything from a partisan angle and that is going well for a small society like The Gambia.

“I am on record to have said that the last elections were free and fair and has given him political legitimacy. We must analyse everything objectively, praise where praise is due, and criticise where criticism is due with all one objective, and that is the betterment of The Gambia.”

Reflecting on his eligibility for the position, the once fiery opposition politician said: “With my experience and long association with the local authorities, I think the nomination is in the right direction despite the short duration. But I very much appreciate it and I will sell through the chairman and the other members of the committee, that despite being an interim committee, that we should focus on environmental issues. I think the monthly ‘Set Setal’ has noble objectives and anti littering laws are also in the right direction, but the primary agency that should enforce these laws are the local authorities, and I hereby say they have failed in that direction because the people have not been sensitised and implementation has not been planned. And this is one objective we can achieve during the life span of the interim period. The incoming local government administration will have no alternative but to continue the project.”

Mr. Juwara emphasised his concern for environmental issues and expressed the belief that “the president is equally concerned” as, he noted, is evidenced by his dogged enforcement of the monthly ‘Set Setal.’ He however deplored the fact that the exercise has not been achieving the desired impact because the planning at the local level is almost non-existent in all the major youth centres across the country. “This is a national issue and non partisan,” he concluded.     

Author: By Abba A.S. Gibba
Source: The Point